At last i wanted to try Readyboost in my lappy as i'm having a hell lot of programs in my lappy's startup which i really dont want to remove... I got a new iBall 2GB Flash drive. To my luck the flash drive was not fast enough to enable ReadyBoost!!! Well i just got nutts till i Googled out to to find a fix.
1. Plug in the device.
2. Open the Readyboost tab on the device properties.
3. Select “Do not retest this device”
4. Unplug the device
5. Open regedit (start->run->regedit)
6. Expand - HKLM (Local Machine)->SOFTWARE->Microsoft->Windows NT->CurrentVersion->EMDgmt
7. Find your device.
8. Change Device Status to 2
9. Change ReadSpeedKBs to 1000
10. Change WriteSpeedKBs to 1000
11. Plug in the device.
12. Enable Readyboost!!!!
Now my lappy starts really fast. I love Vista.